Message Board
“There is definitely a connection between the body and the mind … Keep up that positive mindset.”
– Dr. Jess, Virginia Center
“Yes – with your positive attitude … you certainly can be my 14% miracle patient.”
– Dr. Jay, Virginia Center
“Don’t look at the life expectancy statistics … I have patients who beat the odds all the time.”
– Dr. Gabe, Alexandria Clinic
“The child (Jesus) grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.”
– Luke 2:40
“… underneath the ashes of disappointment, under the wrongs that people have done to you, and under the mistakes you’ve made, an ember is still alive? You may not be able to see that it’s still burning, but all you have to do is stir it up. Stir up your passion, your dreams, your creativity, and your gifts.“
– Pastor O, Lake Church
“I truly believe that the mind controls the body, strong faith and positive attitude will allows us to enjoy each given day. Stay strong.”
– SMSgt. G, U.S. Air Force (Retired)
“You will not just live 10 more years … God will bless you with so many more years … You will live to 100 years old, Ben.”
– Dee, The Office
“The body and mind are connected … If you could harness only one percent of your brain power, your brain could heal your entire body of all sickness.”
– Dr. Gabe, Alexandria Clinic
“… You need to announce to that mountain, “Move out of the way. You are not going to keep me from my destiny.” Get your heart and words going in the right direction. You have to say it before you’ll see it …”
– Pastor O, Lake Church
“Keep the faith, it will carry you through and provide you all the strength you need … Thanks to the Lord the Victory has already been won for us, Brother. No matter what happens, we can be at peace with that!“
– Rey, Virginia Tech Alumni
“Hello, my friend. Your story is inspiring. That you can maintain such a powerful outlook is amazing. I’m so happy to hear of the last test and know that your positive thinking and prayers are what will make all the difference. You can do it and I know you will prevail over this cancer.”
– Agent Shark, The Office
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